Misspelling dictionary
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How to spell REDIUS correctly?

If you meant to say "radius", then the correct spelling is "radius". Other possible suggestions for the misspelling "redius" could include "radius", "redness", "redistrict" or "redoubt". It's important to double-check spellings before submitting written work to ensure clarity and accuracy.

List of suggestions on how to spell redius correctly

  • radios My grandparents still use their old radios to listen to their favorite shows.
  • radius
  • readies She readies herself for the upcoming marathon by doing various exercises and marathon preparations.
  • rebus Some examples of rebuses are my foot hurts-a possible rebus for "I am in pain" ABC
  • redials
  • redid I redid my room over the weekend and it looks so much better now.
  • redoes Sarah redoes her hair every day.
  • REDS The Reds won the championship game in extra innings.
  • reins He had to teach himself how to hold the reins of the horse.
  • remits The company remits funds to their suppliers on a monthly basis.
  • remus
  • reties
  • tedious This task was very tedious.

Misspelling of the day


  • exact
  • exacted
  • exactingly
  • exactly
  • exacts
  • executable
  • exotically
  • extol
  • inexactly
  • oxtail