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How to spell LACTED correctly?

If you meant "lactated" but happened to misspell it, here are some correct suggestions to consider: "located", "acted", "reacted", "elated" or "related". These words might be fitting depending on the context. Remember to proofread carefully to avoid any unintentional errors.

List of suggestions on how to spell lacted correctly

  • Acted She acted swiftly when the fire broke out in the kitchen.
  • Carted She carted the heavy boxes up the steep staircase.
  • catted
  • elected He was elected by the people for his dedication and efforts towards improving their village.
  • Gated The resort is gated and offers security.
  • laced I laced up my running shoes and headed out for a jog.
  • Lacked She lacked a sense of adventure.
  • lactated The nurse observed that the patient's blood lactated.
  • lacteal She made a milk drink called lacteal.
  • laded I loaded the gun with ammo and laded it with bullets.
  • Lagged My computer lagged when I tried to open multiple programs at once.
  • Larded The rabbit was larded with garlic.
  • Larked
  • Lasted
  • Lauded He was lauded for his innovative policing methods.
  • licked I licked my lips after proclaiming my victory.
  • located
  • locked
  • looted The thieves looted the store of all of its merchandise.
  • lucked
  • Placated The frustrated customer was placated by the salesperson's assurances that the order would be filled promptly.
  • reacted He immediately reacted when he saw the spider crawling towards him.
  • Vacated The property was vacated by its occupants a few weeks ago.

Misspelling of the day


  • dedicate
  • delegate
  • delegated
  • delegates
  • delete
  • delicate
  • relegate
  • relocate