Misspelling dictionary
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How to spell CLOLTHING correctly?

If you often misspell "clolthing", worry not! Here are a few suggestions to ensure accuracy: "clothing" is the correct spelling for attire. Another option is "apparel", which refers to garments and accessories. So, next time you type, remember to double-check and prevent that pesky misspelling!

List of suggestions on how to spell clolthing correctly

  • clothing I need to buy new clothing for the upcoming season.
  • clotting The body's clotting mechanism is essential in stopping bleeding after an injury.
  • Clouting As a boxer, his coach recommended that he focus more on clouting his opponent with power punches.
  • loathing I have a deep loathing for people who are dishonest.

Misspelling of the day


  • anonymity
  • anonymous